Dynamic Duo — AIMCo Colleagues Give Back

Volunteering and Donating Makes a Difference


The AIMCo Foundation was started by employees of Alberta Investment Management Corporation. Supporting the foundation has become part of the institutional investor’s corporate culture.


“I have been an active volunteer for The AIMCo Foundation as a member of the granting committee since 2020. It’s fantastic to grant funds to the very worthy organizations that apply, but it’s also heartbreaking to only meet 53% of the asks. There is so much need to raise financial literacy among many deserving groups as we know that financially literate individuals make better financial decisions, increase their economic security and, as such, can create thriving communities and countries. For me, volunteering with The AIMCo Foundation is how I translate my passion for business into real action — it’s incredibly rewarding.”

– Tom Carey, Associate, Mortgages, AIMCo




“I have been involved with The AIMCo Foundation since day one. The minute I heard about what AIMCo wanted to achieve, I was in. I saw right away that our Foundation was how I wanted to be involved in driving change that directly impacts the broader community. As someone who lives and breathes the economy, I know the power of financial education — for everyone. Financial literacy support from quality, trusted sources gives people the ability and self-confidence to make informed decisions, live within their means and save for retirement. Donating to The AIMCo Foundation is a source of pride for me; I hope you will join me and so many others.”

– JD Tremblay-Frenette, Chief Economist, Investment Strategy Research, AIMCo

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